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Florida Attractions News

Here you can find the latest stories and announcements from the Florida Attractions Association.

  • April 06, 2023 10:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A Message from FAA Chairman John Dent

    Registration and Hotel Reservations

    Open April 18!

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  • March 23, 2023 4:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator) - UPDATE

    Only Six Featured Attractions - Reserve Your Ad

    Since launching on January 1, 2023, nearly 20,000 potential Florida travelers from 142 countries have visited The FAA continues to invest in marketing our member attractions on the site through an aggressive SEM campaign that is reaching consumers and showcasing the best family attractions Florida has to offer!

    Based on the results of the campaign so far, beginning April 1, we will discontinue our geotargeted advertising and instead deliver very limited display ads for Featured Attractions to every visitor to the website. Only six Featured Attractions with links to the attraction’s website will be featured on the homepage of

    Featured Attraction display ads are now available for only $250/month (billed quarterly) and are available on a first come-first served basis for the 3 quarters remaining in 2023.

    ACT NOW - Ads for Quarter 2 will be displayed starting April 1.

    Revenue generated from these display ads helps offset the costs of search engine marketing of the site.

    Click below for complete details including ad specs and suggestions to maximize ad performance.

    Complete Details

    If you have any questions about the new website and the ad sales process, please contact the Florida Attractions Association office – (850) 222-2885 or

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  • February 06, 2023 10:10 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Florida Tourism Day 2023

    Hi Florida Attractions,

    The Florida Attractions Association is proud to host the 2023 Florida Tourism Day, in partnership with Destinations FloridaFlorida Restaurant and Lodging Association, Florida Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds, and the Florida Association of Museums


    Registration for Florida Tourism Day is now open! Join tourism industry professionals, colleagues, and friends in Tallahassee on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 for this fantastic event. Florida's tourism industry drives our state’s economy, and your presence here in Tallahassee demonstrates the power and influence of our industry. You will be hearing from legislative leaders and meeting with policymakers to educate them about the issues that impact your business.


    Please follow the link HERE to register



    Schedule of Events:


    Liberty Partners of Tallahassee Office

    8:00 am – 8:30 am: Continental Breakfast

    8:30 am – 10:00 am: Florida Attractions Industry Briefing


     Florida State Augustus B. Turnbull Conference Center

    10:30 am – 12:00 pm: Florida Tourism Day Rally and Briefing 

    12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Networking Lunch


    Florida State Capitol

    1:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Legislative Appointments at the Capitol


    Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association Headquarters

    5:00 pm - 8:00pm: Florida Tourism Day Reception

    Thank you,


    Bill Lupfer


    Florida Attractions Association

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  • February 01, 2023 10:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    FASF logo - NEW.png

    Now Accepting Applications for the 2023 Scholarship and Professional Development Grant

    ---For FAA Member Employees and Their Dependents---

    Florida Attractions Scholarship Program

    Scholarships awarded by the Florida Attractions Scholarship Foundation are exclusively for FAA member business employees and their immediate family members. Eligible recipients must be enrolled full-time at a post-secondary institution in Florida in Hospitality Management or other related field.

    For full criteria and to apply for consideration, visit:

    You can also print this 8.5 x 11 flyer to display for your employees at your business!


    Thanks to the ongoing generosity of Florida Attractions Association members, this year, the Foundation and its Board of Directors will be awarding several $2,000 scholarships. Recipients will also be invited to attend a Florida Attractions Association Annual Conference.

    ---For FAA Member Businesses---

    Professional Development and Employee Advancement Grant Program

    This new program has been developed to provide FAA member businesses (Attractions & Associate Members) financial support to develop new and build capacity for existing professional development and leadership programs. Along with the FASF scholarship program, this grant program will promote the Foundation’s mission to develop the Florida attraction industry’s workforce and prepare for the future challenges. 

    This year, Grants are limited to $2500 maximum. Grant awards will be announced at the 2023 FAA Annual Conference.

    Qualifying programs can include – individual or group programs for professional development, specific skills training, job-specific certifications, leadership development, and industry conferences. Qualifying Programs MUST provide an educational component that is relevant to the attractions industry and improve employee proficiencies and, ultimately, the guest experience.

    Apply for the Grant

    Deadline for submissions to both the Scholarship and Grant Programs is February 28, 2023, 11:59pm EST.

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  • January 06, 2023 9:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The popular Attraction Regional Forums return in-person February 2023 in St. Augustine, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale and Fort Myers! Forum attendees include attraction industry leaders from each region, industry suppliers and DMOs.

    NEW for 2023 FAA Associate Members are welcome to join the conversation and participate in the Attraction Regional Forums!

    St. Augustine

    Tuesday, February 7

    Ponce de Leon's 

    Fountain of Youth


    Wednesday, February 8

    Brother Jimmy's BBQ 

    at ICON Park

    Fort Lauderdale

    Thursday, February 9

    Flamingo Gardens

    Fort Myers

    Friday, February 10

    Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre


    Attraction Regional Forums are the ideal meeting to kick-start the new year and prepare for the dynamic changes that lie ahead. Attraction industry leaders, Associate members (suppliers) and DMOs come together to share perspectives on timely topics related to the market, trends, technology, guest experience/expectations, attraction operations, and issues impacting their business.


    The Forums are packed with actionable content that will help your business thrive. Led by FAA Chairman John Dent (Walt Disney World), John is joined by Chair-Elect Cindy Stavely (St. Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum), immediate Past Chair Jennifer Berthiaume, your FAA Staff, and other industry thought leaders. Most important, the collective wisdom and experiences of our FAA Members will provide fresh perspectives on your path to success.

    Thank You to Our Sponsors!

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  • December 14, 2022 10:44 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Official Guide to Florida Attractions

    Limited Geo-targeted Display Ads Now Available

    Secure your display ad now on the Florida Attractions Association’s all-new, digital Official Guide to Florida Attractions! Our new website launches January 1, 2023.

    Ads start at only $153/quarter. 

    Complete Details

    If you have any questions about the new website and the ad sales process, please contact the Florida Attractions Association office – (850) 222-2885 or

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  • December 07, 2022 5:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2023 Annual Conference

    Hi Florida Attractions,

    With tremendous enthusiasm and acknowledged anticipation, I am delighted to announce that the Florida Attractions Association will return to the spectacular Luminary Hotel in Fort Myers for our 2023 Annual Conference, June 11-14. Following the devastating impact Hurricane Ian had on the southwest Florida region, we’re returning to show our unified support of the community, our tourism colleagues and our affected FAA members. The conference committee and I thought it opportune to reflect the connection and investment our members provide and help establish that this area is indeed Florida strong and eager to welcome back visitation. In addition to three days of actionable educational sessions and networking, we plan to include a community service component as a part of the conference schedule.

    The Luminary Hotel is one of the top-rated host hotels in post-conference surveys. If you’ve never attended an FAA Annual Conference, now’s your opportunity to participate in Florida attractions premier event.  FAA members consistently rate the Annual Conference as the most valuable conference they attend each year.

    Please save the date – June 11-14, 2023 – and standby for more details as Florida’s Finest Family Attractions and Industry Suppliers meet to learn, share and grow together. I know you are as excited as I am to bring our energy and commitment to Fort Myers and celebrate our future once again. I can’t wait to see you there.


    John Dent

    Chairman, Florida Attractions Association

    Director, Walt Disney World 

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  • December 06, 2022 11:12 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    FASF logo - NEW.png

    Florida Attractions Professional Development and Employee Advancement Grant

    The Florida Attractions Scholarship Foundation is excited to announce the creation of the Professional Development and Employee Advancement Grant Program. The program has been developed to provide FAA member businesses (Attractions & Associate Members) financial support to develop new - and build capacity for existing - professional development and leadership programs. Along with the FASF scholarship program, this grant program will promote the Foundation’s mission to develop the Florida attraction industry’s workforce and prepare for the future challenges. 

    Grant applications will be accepted beginning February 1, 2023. The application period closes on February 28, 2023. Grant awards will be announced at the 2023 FAA Annual Conference. 

    Qualifying programs can include – individual or group programs for professional development, specific skills training, job-specific certifications, leadership development, and industry conferences. Qualifying Programs MUST provide an educational component that is relevant to the attractions industry and improve employee proficiencies and, ultimately, the guest experience.

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  • December 05, 2022 5:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Official Guide to Florida Attractions Ad Sales

    We shared with you earlier that the printed version of the Official Guide Map to Florida Attractions has been retired and will not be published. In its place, the FAA will roll out a digital version of the map – the Official Guide to Florida Attractions. The target date for the launch is January 1, 2023.

    As a benefit of membership, your attraction will receive a complimentary listing on the new website that will include a customized landing page showcasing your attraction.

    In addition to your complimentary listing, a very limited, geo-targeted advertising opportunity will also be available to our individual attraction members (no co-ops or shared ads) in good standing for the first quarter of 2023.Your digital display ad may be displayed in one or more of Florida’s eight vacation regions. Ad rates are generally based on the annual visitation to each region.

    Since there will be a limit of three digital display ads per region, per quarter, we anticipate this opportunity will sellout very quickly.  Attractions are welcome to choose any or all vacation regions for their display ad to appear in.

    Ad sales will be made available beginning at 10am EST on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. 

    Ads will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. The Official Guide to Florida Attractions ad sales website will show how many ads are available at the time you land on the site, but be mindful, it will not show how many transactions are in process ahead of you and ads will only be reserved after the requested information, including answering basic questions and payment is completed.

    The new Official Guide to Florida Attractions will be accessible at The FAA will invest in an aggressive SEM campaign.

    First Quarter 2023 Pricing Plan

    (Geo-targeted Ads offered in a 3-month block)

    Click Map to Enlarge

    Northwest - $69/month, $207/quarter

    North Central - $51/month, $153/quarter

    Northeast - $113/month, $339/quarter

    Central West - $133/month, $399/quarter

    Central - $262/month, $786/quarter

    Central East - $107/month, $321/quarter

    Southwest - $96/month, $288/quarter

    Southeast - $288/month, $864/quarter

    If you have any questions about the new website and the ad sales process, please contact the Florida Attractions Association office – (850) 222-2885 or

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  • December 02, 2022 10:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    FASF logo - NEW.png

    Announcing the 2023 Scholarship Program

    Since its inception in 2012, the Florida Attractions Scholarship Foundation has awarded over $60,000 to more than 70 students studying tourism-related careers.


    The scholarship program is an exclusive benefit to FAA member businesses – their employees, employee family members, volunteers and interns. 


    Thanks to the generosity of our Florida Attractions Association members, your Foundation will award several $2,000 scholarships in 2023. Applications will be accepted during the month of February 2023.


    Details on the application process will be announced in January.

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1114 N Gadsden Street
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 222-2885

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