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Florida Attractions Association
Event Code of Conduct

Purpose of the Florida Attractions Association Event Code of Conduct

We believe that the community created and served by the Florida Attractions Association, including its affiliated organizations the Florida Attractions Scholarship Foundation and the Florida Attractions Political Action Committee, should be truly welcoming for everyone. As such, we strive to provide a friendly, safe and hospitable environment for all participants in our events, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, or religion.

This Code of Conduct sets forth basic expectations for participant behavior at Florida Attractions Association events and activities (also including those of its affiliated organizations); as well as what is deemed to be unacceptable behavior and its consequences.

We encourage all Florida Attractions Association members, member guests, staff, volunteers, speakers and other participants to help us realize a safe and positive event experience for everyone.

Expected Behavior

Be considerate, respectful, responsible, polite and cooperatively work with and enjoy the events and activities with fellow participants.

Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow participants. Alert a Florida Attractions Association staff or board member, a designated event host, or facility/venue management personnel if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.

Wear your Florida Attractions Association name/event badge (when provided) at all times while at the event or event venues.

Many event venues are shared with members of the public; please be respectful to all patrons of these locations.

Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behaviors (whether physical displays, gestures, images, verbal or written) by a participant/attendee at an event or related event activities include: intimidating, harassing, threatening, abusive, vulgar, profane, obscene, discriminatory or ethnically/racially/religious/sexually disparaging, purposely annoying, derogatory, demeaning, lewd, offensive or disorderly conduct; the use of intentional, uninvited physical force whatsoever against any person,  or any disturbing, disruptive or dangerous conduct causing undue apprehension to others and detracting from their enjoyment and participation in the designated activities and events. 

Harassment includes offensive comments communicated in any form related to gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or disability; displays of objects, actions or images (including but not limited to nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces) inappropriate for the circumstances or which are reasonably likely to cause unwarranted discomfort to others; deliberate intimidation, stalking, taking photos or recordings of others, without their consent, in places or situations where privacy is reasonably expected, or publicly in a manner that disturbs the enjoyment of participants at the event or related event activities; sustained disruption of presentations, talks or other events; inappropriate or unwelcome physical (including sexual) attention or contact.

Attendance or participation at an event or related event activities in a state of intoxication or loss of self-control; substance abuse (including but not limited to illegal drugs and excessive alcohol consumption) at or during an event, and/or encouraging or forcing other attendees to engage in such conduct. Please drink responsibly. The Florida Attractions Association does not condone the possession or use of illegal substances anywhere in the event venues.

Wearing clothing or displaying personal ornamentation that is inappropriate for a professional work environment (including attire or ornamentation designed to be provocative or offensive.)

Improper or threatening display of a weapon or any item in a manner which may cause injury to others.

Any intentional misuse, destruction or vandalizing of event site property or materials, or that of other participants.

Open possession of alcoholic beverages in any event venue or function, except in areas specifically permitted or designated for the consumption of alcohol.

Smoking is not permitted, other than in designated areas.

Inciting or assembling for the purpose of disturbing the peace, or committing/engaging in any unlawful activity at an event or function.

Refusal to abide by the rules or regulations of the event venues or instructions of the event staff.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated whether by Florida Attractions Association members, member guests, staff, speakers or other participants. Anyone asked to cease from unacceptable behavior is expected to promptly comply. If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior, the event organizers (Florida Attractions Association staff or board members, or designated event hosts) may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from the event without warning or refund, and if appropriate, involvement of local law enforcement.

What you can do when confronted by Unacceptable Behavior

If you are subjected to unacceptable behavior, notice that someone else is being subjected to unacceptable behavior, or have related concerns, please notify an event organizer as soon as possible. You may request that your report remain confidential.

When necessary or appropriate, event organizers will be available to help participants subjected to unacceptable behavior in contacting venue security or local law enforcement, or to otherwise assist the participant(s) to feel safe for the duration of the event.

Scope and Acknowledgment

The Florida Attractions Association (including its affiliated organizations) expects all event participants (members, member guests, staff, volunteers, speakers and other participants) to abide by this Code of Conduct at all Florida Attractions Association and affiliated organization functions, event venues and event-related activities and social events. The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to afford all those to whom it applies with a more enjoyable experience at the functions, events and activities of the Florida Attractions Association by providing participants with reasonable guidelines and expectations as to behavior which is expected and that which is not acceptable. It is the objective and intention of the Florida Attractions Association in promulgating this Code of Conduct that it be interpreted and applied fairly; however, such is acknowledged to be within the sole discretion of the Florida Attractions Association and the Florida Attractions Association shall not be liable or responsible to any person for any misinterpretation or misapplication of its provisions made in good faith, or for any decision or failure in the enforcement of these provisions, or for any conduct or actions (even if after warning), including for any damages or injuries caused by them to others, of any persons violating the Code of Conduct.

Attendance at a Florida Attractions Association or affiliated organization function, event, or event related activity implies the understanding and acknowledgment of this Code of Conduct and the agreement by participant to abide by same. This Code of Conduct may be revised at any time by the Florida Attractions Association, without notice, and its interpretation and application of its provisions are final, but without prejudice to Florida Attractions Association’s rights, all of which it expressly reserves.

Contact Information

For questions regarding our code of conduct, please contact us at

Adopted by the Florida Attractions Association, Inc. Board of Directors, November 14, 2018


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1114 N Gadsden Street
Tallahassee, FL 32303
(850) 222-2885

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