Two significant updates that affect our industry...
- The Florida House of Representatives (Speaker Oliva) has conceded its (his) position on VISIT FLORIDA and has passed SB 362 with an amendment to extend its sunset from June 30, 2020 to October 1, 2023. Additionally, both chambers have tentatively agreed to fund VISIT FLORIDA at $50 million for FY 2020-21.
- The Senate Appropriations Committee passed an amendment removing the "water quality projects" as an allowed use of Tourist Development Taxes (TDT) from the tax package (HB 7097). The amended tax package should be passed by the Senate today then sent back to the House for their expected approval.
The threat of losing VISIT FLORIDA and expanded uses of TDT revenues were both priority issues for the FAA. This year's Legislative Session will go into overtime with an expected Sine Die next week.
While it's too early to celebrate our success (anything can still happen with these two issues), its not to early to thank your Senator and Representative for their support of Florida Tourism.