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The 2021 Annual Conference Wrap

September 24, 2021 1:34 PM | Anonymous

Thank you for taking time to regroup and reenergize with our FAA family at the 2021 Annual Conference in Fort Myers. There was great enthusiasm and positive energy and we appreciate the encouraging comments received for the FAA having the courage to host a conference in the waning days of the pandemic.

We owe a great deal of gratitude to our outgoing Chairman, Matt Johnson (IMAG History & Science Center) for his leadership over the past two years, successfully steering our association through a worldwide pandemic.

As our new Chair Jennifer Berthiaume (Lion County Safari) begins her role, we look forward to her leadership as we observe the rebirth of Florida tourism. While we await the inevitable return of visitors from around the world, lets never lose sight of why they come to Florida…for the very reason we live here – its simple a remarkable state.

Whether you were with us in Fort Myers or unable to join us, please take a few minutes to enjoy this recap of our 2021 Annual Conference.

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